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Tender Notice China Waste Water Disposal, Drainage

Consulting Services, Wastewater Disposal/Urban Drainage (Baofeng)

Tender Award

  • Country China
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ301000884/KfW507115
  • Subject Urban Water Environment Improvement Project in Baofeng County

Brief description of the Contract:

The overall objective of the Project will be reached by the construction two wastewater treatment plants in Daying and Zhangbaqiao and the associated sewage pipeline network

The task of the Consultant is to support the Employer as well as the Design Institute(s) and the Window Company during Project preparation and implementation:

  • During preparation and implementation of the project, in particular during review of the detailed engineering design and review of the tender documents;

  • In procurement matters during the entire tender process including contract negotiations;

  • During construction phase with regular site visits and taking part in crucial steps of contract implementation, conducting quality checks and crosschecking invoices;

  • In project management including necessary reporting to KfW; and

  • In monitoring environmental and social health standards (ESHS) during construction to ensure the Project’s compliance with World Bank Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) and the World Bank Group General and sector-specific EHS Guideline.


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