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Tender Notice Honduras Promotion of Disadvantaged Groups

Consulting Services, Coexistence Project and Safe Spaces for Youth in Honduras

Tender Award

  • Country Honduras
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201867563
  • Subject Coexistence Project and Safe Spaces for Youth in Honduras, Phase III – CONVIVIR III

Project purpose:

It consists of promoting the leading participation of young people in the revitalization and use of safe spaces in selected communities in prioritized municipalities in a sustainable manner. With the funds from the financial contribution, the following measures will be financed:

  • Construction, or improvement of social infrastructure for young people
  • Strengthening of labor and social skills of young people
  • Improvement of the capacities of the relevant actors in the execution of the Project (especially the Executing Entity, the Coordinating Entity and the participating municipalities and communities)
  • Technical Assistance

Brief description of the Contract:

  • the consulting services will include, among others, advice to SEDECOAS-FHIS and other institutions involved in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the Project, in the prioritization, participatory planning, contracting and supervision of infrastructure measures and activities training, as well as monitoring the proper use of funds from the German Financial Cooperation

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