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Tender Notice India Agriculture and Forestry

Consulting Services, Independent Verification Agent (Farming Programme)

Tender Award

  • Country India
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201970243/KfW505283
  • Subject Andhra Pradesh Climate Resilient Zero Budget Natural Farming Programme

Brief description of the Contract:

Project Measures:

The “Zero Budget Natural Farming ("ZBNF") Programme of the Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP)” intends to increase soil health and climate resilience, stabilise/ increase yields for participating farmers' crops and enhance agricultural income through the application of ZBNF practices.

KfW provides a 90 million EUR loan which will help co-finance the programme activities. The loan is a Results-Based-Loan. Disbursement of funds is linked to the achievement of disbursement linked Indicators (DLIs).

  • An independent verification agent ("IVA" or "IVA Consultant") will verify the DLIs. The subject of this tender is the procurement of the IVA services.

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