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Tender Notice Jordan Waste Water Disposal, Drainage

Consulting Services, Wastewater Management in Amman and Zarqa Governorates (Climate-Adapted Infrastructure Planning)

Tender Award

  • Country Jordan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202168128/KfW506635; WAJ Tender No. 32/2021/SW
  • Subject Climate-Adapted Infrastructure Planning in the Water Sector; Wastewater Management in Amman and Zarqa Governorates including Investment Priorities, Feasibility Studies and Detailed Designs (Option)

Brief description of the Contract

Based on the recently prepared Masterplans on water availability, water and wastewater which describe the situation on national level, the current assignment shall focus on investment planning of the wastewater sector in the Governorates of Amman and Zarqa. Besides the expansion of sewer networks, the plan shall also examine the expansion of the sewer mains and different wastewater treatment options. In addition, the subsequent use of the treated wastewater for irrigation in agriculture is to be optimized in close cooperation with the Jordan Valley Authority (JVA). Moreover, the aspect of storm water management shall be examined for Amman together with the responsible Greater Amman Municipality (GAM).

The aim of the plan is to enable cost- and energy-optimized long-term wastewater disposal in the two governorates and to conserve precious groundwater resources by reusing treated wastewater in agriculture.

The planning shall follow 3 stages, namely:

  • Stage 1: identify possible investments in a master plan which will serve as planning instrument for wastewater for the next 30 years

  • Stage 2: to plan some prioritized possible investments on feasibility level which will serve as decision instrument for financing institutions with a total budget of EUR 100 million.

  • Stage 3 (Option): to develop some selected investments on detailed design level to be tendered immediately if funds are available, with a total budget of around EUR 20 million

Requested Services:

  • A Consultant (hereafter referred to “the Consultant”) will assist the PEA, the Water Authority of Jordan, WAJ, to develop the required documents. As the Programme is currently set up, the described services may still undergo review and modifications.

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