English information and forms for new banks issued by the BaFin, the BaFin - Company start-ups and fintech companies.
Deutsche Bundesbank English information including translations of the legal framework for banks.
The Association of Foreign Banks in Germany (VAB) represents the interests of more than 200 foreign banks, investment management companies and financial services institutions from more than 30 countries in Germany.
Tax information by Federal Central Tax Office /Bundeszentralamt für Steuern (BZSt).
The five top-level associations of the German banking industry comprise the German Banking Industry Committee, GBIC (Die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft, DK).
- National Association of German Cooperative Banks (BVR - Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken e. V.) is the umbrella association for the cooperative banking sector in Germany. Members include all of the cooperative banks.
- Association of German Banks (BdB - Bundesverband deutscher Banken e. V. ) represents more than 200 private commercial banks and eleven member associations.
- The Association of German Public Banks (VÖB - Bundesverband Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands e. V.) is a leading industry association in the German banking industry. It was founded in 1916 and currently represents 62 member institutions including the regional banks (Landesbanken) as well as the development banks owned by the federal and state governments.
- Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband e. V. (DSGV) (German Savings Banks Association, DSGV) is the umbrella organisation of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe. It is funded by the regional savings banks associations together with the Landesbanken.
- Verband deutscher Pfandbriefbanken e. V. (vdp) Association of German Pfandbrief Banks.
German Insurance Association (GDV - Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V.) is the federation of private insurers in Germany. Its approximately 450 member companies offer comprehensive coverage and retirement provisions to private households, trade, industry, and public institutions through 431 million insurance contracts.
The German Investment Funds Association (BVI - Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e. V.) represents the interests of the German fund industry at national and international level. The association promotes sensible regulation of the fund business as well as fair competition vis-à-vis policy makers and regulators. BVI’s more than 100 members manage assets of some 3 trillion euros for private investors, insurance companies, pension and retirement schemes, banks, churches and foundations.
German Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVK - Bundesverband Deutscher Kapitalbeteiligungsgesellschaften e.V.) represents the interests of the private equity sector in Germany. The association unites the interests of our 300 members.
German Factoring Association (Deutscher Factoring-Verband e.V.) represents the interests of German factoring companies at the national and international level. It currently represents 43 member companies with a market share of around 98 percent of the German factoring market.
Federal Association of German Leasing Companies (BDL - Bundesverband Deutscher Leasing-Unternehmen e. V.) is the umbrella organization that represents the interests of the German leasing sector. Around 150 leasing companies, ranging from medium-sized businesses to international leasing concerns, have joined forces under the aegis of the BDL to engage in dialogue with legislators, public authorities, and the interested public at large about the possibilities this form of financing offers. The BDL’s membership accounts for more than more than 90 percent of the German leasing-market.