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Tender Notice Georgia Recycling & Waste Management

Consulting, Closure of Existing Poti Landfill and Construction of One Transfer Station and One Transfer Point

  • Country Georgia
  • Deadline Dec 02, 2024
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201568260/KfW500772;ICBICB/W/SZS/02
  • Subject Integrated Solid Waste Management Programme II Kakheti and Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Regions, Georgia

Requested Services:

Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia LTD (SWMCG), as the Employer, aims to select a qualified Bidder for the contract for Closure of the Existing Poti Landfill and the Construction of One Transfer Station and One Transfer Point . The contract will cover two key components: the closure of the existing landfill located in Poti and the construction of two waste management facilities. These include a transfer station in Poti and a transfer point in Lakhani. The selected Bidder will be responsible for executing both the landfill closure and the construction works in accordance with the specified requirements and project technical specifications.



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