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Environmental Technologies in Germany

Germany is home to one of the most advanced environmental technologies markets worldwide. With expected annual growth of more than five percent, the markets for sustainable water technologies and the circular economy offer promising opportunities for international companies seeking to expand their green business to Germany.

Key Facts

The Environmental Technologies Industry in Numbers

By 2025, the market for environmentally friendly products is expected to account for 20 percent of German GDP. This clearly demonstrates the increasing importance of sustainable technologies in Germany’s economy.

14 %

German Greentech Products Global Trade Share in 2020

110 bn

Circular Economy and Water Industry Market Volume in Germany by 2030 (in Euros)

+ 15 %

Recycling Technologies Annual Market Growth 2016-2025

Environmental Technologies Industry 

A number of developments are driving the environmental technologies sector like never before. This includes the European Union's Green Deal and growing demand for sustainable business models. Climate protection and resource conservation require complex, cross-sector solutions. As a result, greentech products “made in Germany" are in high demand in global markets. German companies provide integrated solutions based on innovative products and services. Greentech products have enormous growth potential – allowing actors in Germany to play a leading role in shaping the European market.

Circular Economy

Germany’s leadership in the global recycling industry is based on the country’s first mover role in waste management law and a business environment that favors innovation and new technologies.

Sustainable Water Industry

Germany is home to Europe’s biggest sustainable water management market. A commitment to sustainable water innovation also makes it the continent’s leading exporter of water treatment technologies – as well as a major provider of solutions that guarantee higher efficiency and water quality standards for water-intensive industries around the world. 

Industry Sectors

Modern urban wastewater treatment plant. Modern urban wastewater treatment plant. | © Stockphoto/hxdyl

Water Technologies

More than EUR 110 billion of investment since 1990, an annual export volume of EUR 977 million (2016, Source: VDMA) and a world market share of 11% (2016, Source: VDMA) – the prospects for German water technologies are bright.

Gruene Flaschen und Metalldosen in einer Recycling Tonne Gruene Flaschen und Metalldosen in einer Recycling Tonne | © GettyImages/spwidoff

Recycling & Waste Management

Germany’s leadership in the global recycling industry is based on the country’s first mover role in waste management law and a business environment that favors innovation and new technologies.

Construction site in Duesseldorf, Germany Construction site in Duesseldorf, Germany | © Getty Images/Westend61

Building Industry

Germany is Europe’s leading construction market and home to the continent’s largest building stock.

Success Stories

We have a proven track record in helping international companies of all sizes successfully set up business in one of the world’s most dynamic markets. Find out why renowned international companies chose Germany as a location for their business and how Germany Trade & Invest helped them to settle in Europe’s biggest market. 

Success Story IDs: 

The Australian based company Neometals Ltd. started a joint venture with the SMS group in Germany to demonstrate and commercialize an innovative lithium battery recycling process. The flagship project, Primobius, includes the construction of a showcase demonstration plant. Germany Trade & Invest provided investor support and site selection services to Neometals. 

Germany Trade & Invest spoke to Jeremy McManus, General Manager, Commercial and Investor Relations of Neometals, about the market outlook and the company's decision to start operations in Germany.

Full Interview: Neometals to Tackle Huge European Demand for Battery Raw Materials 


Environmental Technologies Industry News

Germany’s environmental technologies sector operates in a vibrant and dynamic business location where new opportunities arise every day. Find out more about what's going on in Germany‘s greentech markets.

  1. Mar 05, 2025
    Top Investments of the Year 2024 in Baden-Württemberg

    Focus on quantum computing, logistics and sustainable construction

  2. Mar 05, 2025
    Top Investments of the Year 2024 in Saxony

    Saxony excels as an attractive location for cleantech companies

  3. Mar 04, 2025 Future Mobility
    British AI Automated Driving Firm Expands to Germany

    Embodied artificial intelligence automotive pioneer Wayve is establishing a testing and development hub in Stuttgart.


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Upcoming GreenTech Events 

Find out about upcoming events and make an appointment to meet one of our industry experts to discuss market opportunities in your sector.

Pollutec 2025: Environment & Energy Technologies Trade Show

IFAT 2026: IFAT Munich 2026 - World's Leading Trade Fair for Environmental Technologies

Meet our Experts

Looking to expand your business presence to Germany? Our team of market experts can provide all of the necessary information free of charge. We look forward to hearing from you.

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As well as our headquarters in Berlin we also have offices around the world. Find the nearest location to you and meet us in person.


GTAI Investment Lounge Meet our Industry Experts | © Bildkraftwerk


Discuss doing business in Germany with our industry experts. Meet us at upcoming live events or take part in our webinars. Schedule an appointment now!

Woman with Headset Contact | ©


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