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Tender Notice Togo Economic Promotion, Foreign Trade Promotion

Consulting, Small and Medium Enterprises and Small and Medium Industries Financing Program


  • Country Togo
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202267128/KfW510400
  • Subject Programme de financement des petites et moyennes Entreprises et des petites et moyennes Industries (PME/PMI) au Togo


The project aims to establish a mechanism for promoting the private sector through the financing of Small and Medium Enterprises/Small and Medium Industries (SME/SMI). The objective of the project is to sustainably improve SME/SMI access to tailored financial products and services to contribute to increased income and employment.

Requested services:

The role of the Technical Assistance will be to support the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) in the implementation and management of Project Components 1 and 2

Component I: Provision of loans through banks and Decentralized Financial Systems (DFS), collectively referred to as "Partner Financial Institutions" (PFI).

Component II: Capacity strengthening and cooperation with other donors.

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