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EU Greenlights Massive German Steel Decarbonization Aid

The European Commision has given German government authorities the go-ahead to release EUR 2 billion in support to help steelmaker ThyssenKrupp to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions.

The money will come from both the German national government and the regional state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The project aims to eliminate as many as 3.5 million tons of CO2 emissions per year from the company’s plant in the western German city of Duisburg by helping it use hydrogen as an energy carrier.

“This is an enormously important decision for climate protection and Germany as an industrial location,” said Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck in a statement. “The plant in Duisburg is not only one of the largest producers of CO2. It’s also a central element of value creation in Germany for everything from cars to wind turbines.”

Habeck added that the government would continue to support further initiatives under the EU’s Important Projects of Common European Interest – H2 framework. The European Commission previously approved the project “tkH2Steel” of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe as part of that program.

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