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Public Sector Applications

The "Public Sector Applications" cluster bundles two research projects with cloud-based services for members of the general public and local authorities according to a number of deployment scenarios.

Public authorities are entrusted with official responsibilities and, as such, have especially high requirements in terms of the confidentiality, security and legal conformity of cloud-based applications. Planned services operate around the interface between local authority, company and the personal circumstances of the general public.


Provision, Management and Marketing of Portable Cloud Services with Guaranteed Security and Compliance During the Complete Life Cycle

The Internet of Services bundles basic services like, for example, online shopping, flight booking and research services in value-added services and makes the provision of services in marketplaces possible.

The cloud provides a scalable and cost-efficient platform the operation of services and their infrastructure. Despite these advantages, the use of clouds and cloud-based services in the "Mittelstand" and public sectors are limited due to concerns over guaranteed security and lack of legal certainty as well as the lack of interoperability between cloud providers.

CloudCycle allows cloud operators to provide "Mittelstand" and local authority clients with cost-efficient and scalable cloud services with guaranteed security and compliance. In marked contrast to existing approaches, CloudCycle safeguards the complete life cycle of services provided: solution providers and service operators are put in a position where - thanks to metadata which allow the security guarantees and runtime environment requirements to be specified - they are able to offer and operate fully automated services as well as migrate between operators.

CloudCycle provides the "Mittelstand" and the public sector with a foundation to profit from scalable standard solutions and services on open cloud platforms. These automatically provide adequate safety and compliance - even in cases where client security expertise is limited. In doing so, CloudCycle creates new markets for solution developers and a competitive advantage for cloud providers and operators as well as the related security value-added service provider eco-system.

CloudCycle validates the results for broad impact on the basis of standard solutions for schools, school administrators and civic portals according to an open source platform on the basis of interoperability of services and migration of data between public and private cloud providers.


Marketplace for Trustworthy Services in Public Administration and Industry - "Trusted Cloud"

goBerlin realizes a cloud technology-based secure and trusted marketplace for services for citizens, the economy and local authorities for the cooperative provision of public and related commercial services.

Small and medium-sized companies can be integrated into the e-Government value chain as users and providers of IT services by extending existing and implementing new processes. The opening of this cooperative services market offers significant economic potential for businesses and public authorities alike.

Building on the existing cloud infrastructure services of public IT service provider ITDZ Berlin, usable basis technologies (platform services) and software as a service (SaaS) applications will be developed for the services marketplace and made available to small and medium-sized "Mittelstand" companies and local authorities. This results in the creation of a development platform for innovative apps illustrating different circumstances.

As well as being concerned with technical cloud-related issues, goBerlin is also involved in the project realization of associated legal, business and organizational challenges. To this end, cooperative business and public authority processes and the development of new business models are safeguarded.

During the piloting period in the wider metropolitan Berlin area, exemplary integrated service offerings supporting "relocation" situations using the e-identity card e-ID function. The initiation of a user and developer community for the further development of the services marketplace is an integral component of the project.

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