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Robotics Industry in Germany

Germany has the highest robot density level in Europe. Innovations in industrial and service robots make it an attractive investment hub for automation technology with significant sustainability and AI-driven advancements.

Key Facts

The Robotics Industry in Numbers

No. 1

growth leader in EU exceeding 20 % growth in 2023

16.2 bn EUR

turnover in the robotics and automation industry in Germany in 2023

429 industrial robots

per 10,000 employees in Germany – highest density in Europe

Sustainability and Green Robotics

The German robotics sector is driving advancements in green and sustainable technologies, with a growing focus on reducing environmental impact through automation. Climate-friendly technologies are becoming a key factor in industry optimization investment.

Innovation Leader  

Germany ranks fourth internationally in terms of gross R&D expenditure with EUR 132 billion. Generous European and German funding and incentives further support robotics research and innovation.  

Growing Automation Market

Above average growth is taking place in the automation sector (electrical automation, robotics and automation, measuring and testing technology, and conveyor technology) according to Germany’s VDMA trade association.  

Robotics FDI Leader  

More than one third (36 percent) of all international inward investment in mechanical engineering is made in automation and robotics – an 11 percent increase on the period 2015 to 2021.  

Germany is Europe’s top automation and robotics FDI location, with 201 FDI projects followed by France (61 projects) and Spain (54 projects) respectively. More than 22 percent of investment projects in Germany are in production and research and development, while 10 percent have a European headquarters function. Sixty percent of investments are made in the sales, service, maintenance, and support areas essential to automation projects.  

Mechanical Engineering FDI 2019-2023

  • Mechanical Engineering (EU-27) – 1,743 projects  
  • Mechanical Engineering (Germany) – 561 projects

Automation and Robotics FDI 2019-2023

  • Automation and Robotics (EU-27) – 567 projects
  • Automation and Robotics (Germany) – 201 projects

Automation and Robotics FDI by Source Country  

  1. USA (17%)
  2. Switzerland (14%)
  3. China (10%)
  4. Japan (10%)

Source: GTAI 2024 


Industry Segmentation  

According to Germany’s Mechanical Engineering Association (VDMA), the R&A industry can be divided into three innovative sectors: robotics, integrated assembly solutions and machine vision technologies.


The robotics industry can be divided into two categories: industrial robots and service robots. Industrial robots represent the core of automation in production technologies. However, service robots are also gaining increasing importance in the market. Turnover in the German robotics industry (robots, systems and peripherals) has grown by almost 20 percent to EUR 4.2 billion.  

Integrated Assembly Solutions  

The integrated assembly solutions sector mainly focuses on the creation of new hardware and components needed for tasks such as forming, measuring and testing. Integrated assembly solutions turnover has increased by 20 percent to EUR 8.9 billion in 2023.  

Machine Vision Technologies  

Machine vision systems allow machines to see and comprehend. Application fields are diverse and include areas such as components identification, quality control and data collection. Machine vision turnover reached EUR 3.2 billion in 2023.

INDUSTRIE 4.0 and Cobots  

Industrie 4.0 has become an international by-word for intelligent, networked production – with Germany consolidating its reputation as the world’s factory outfitter and a country capable of meeting the challenges of the digital age. Collaborative robots ("cobots") complement production in smart factory environments and make digital manufacturing affordable for SMEs not previously able to afford turnkey solutions.  

According to the World Robotics Report, the portfolio of cobots in the market has been continuously expanding, with new suppliers entering the market as the number of applications increases. The global share of total installations remains fairly constant at around 10 percent, with market share hovering just under the three percent mark. Increased client accessibility in terms of robot programming and user-friendly product interfaces should drive increased cobot demand.  

Application Segments  

The automotive industry is the leading client sector for industrial robots in Germany. According to the VDMA, the automotive industry – and its suppliers – are investing in electric and hybrid drive technologies that insist upon new production processes and equipment, particularly in battery production. The second largest client industry is the electrical and electronics sector. Beyond big industry, many SMEs are now looking at industrial robot implementation as a solution to increase production system flexibility.

Top Service Robotics Application Areas 2023

Mobile Robots – Transportation and Logistics  

With a 35 percent increase in units sold and over half of all professional service robots used for transporting goods or cargo, this sector has enjoyed significant growth. The Robot as a Service (RaaS) fleet grew by 20 percent to over 5,000 units.

Hospitality Robots

Over 54,000 units sold, a 31% increase. These robots are commonly used for tasks like room service and guest assistance in hotels and restaurants.

Agricultural Robots

Nearly 20,000 units have been sold in 2023 – marking a 21 percent growth. These robots enhance efficiency in planting, harvesting and other farming tasks.

Professional Cleaning Robots  

Close to 12,000 units were sold (equivalent to a four percent increase) in 2023, with a 29 percent growth in the RaaS fleet. These robots are used for large-scale cleaning operations.

Search and Rescue/Security Robots

Search and Rescue/Security robots recorded a 12 percent increase in sales in 2023, with 3,475 robots sold. Robots of this type are essential for emergency response and security tasks.

Medical Robots

Sales grew by 36 percent with nearly 6,200 units sold in 2023. Used in surgeries and diagnostics, medical robots are transforming healthcare.

Source: IFR World Robotics Report 2024 - Service Robots

31 %

increase in cobot sales with 55,000 units installed globally in 2022

42.8 billion USD

global service robotics market value in 2022 – CAGR of over 25% forecast for period 2023 to 2032

Dec 17, 2024 Fact Sheet Machinery & Equipment
Fact Sheet Robotics & Automation Industry

Germany's robotics and automation (R&A) sector has set record upon record – with almost machine-like regularity – over the past decade. Read more in our latest fact sheet.

Business Environment

A Tradition of Engineering Quality  

German robotics and automation (R&A) industry strength is supported by its engineering tradition, technological leadership, and highly diversified industrial base. The machinery and equipment (M&E) industry is a driving force in Germany’s high-tech economy, combining key future technologies such as materials, electronics, software, and robotics. Researchers, companies and employees active in the R&A industry profit from the country’s reputation and global know-how. The “Made in Germany” quality seal has long been recognized as a sign of engineering excellence and precision across the globe.  

Europe's Leading R&A Investment Location  

Germany led Europe in R&A foreign direct investments from 2019 to 2023 – with over 200 FDI projects in the sector. The country is also the top destination for R&A inward investments, with R&A projects comprising 20 percent of all R&A investments. Key investor countries include the USA, Switzerland and Japan.

Supporting Digital Platforms – PAiCE  

As part of its High-Tech Strategy, Germany supports digital technologies through the PAiCE program. PAiCE allocates EUR 50 million over five years to develop digital platforms and promote collaboration. The program focuses on service robotics solutions for logistics and manufacturing.

Generous Public Incentives  

Germany offers various incentives for investors such as cash grants for direct investment costs and R&D support. The High-Tech Strategy 2025 provides funding for research on human-technology interaction, with annual grants of around EUR 70 million until 2026.

Academic Study Programs  

The country’s network of universities offers approximately 300 study programs in robotics and automation. Germany's global reputation for R&D activity supports innovation and industry growth. 

50 million EUR

in funding available through the PAiCE program supporting digital industry platform development


robotics-related study programs available across German universities fostering a skilled workforce

More than 200

FDI projects in robotics and automation between 2019 and 2023 – making Germany the top destination for robotics investments in Europe.

36 %

of all FDI  machinery and equipment projects in R&A sector


Robotics Industry News

  1. Oct 27, 2023 Research and Development
    R&D Round-Up

    Our latest look at technological and scientific breakthroughs in Germany features everything from electricity and robots to quantum computing and particle acceleration.

  2. Jul 31, 2023 3D Printing
    Germany Sets New Record in 3D-Printed Building

    53 meters long, eleven meters wide and nine meters tall...those are the dimensions of the largest ever house constructed by additive manufacturing in Europe.

  3. May 03, 2023 Additive Manufacturing
    3D Printing Industry in Germany

    Germany is an international 3D printing powerhouse. The country's global leadership in 3D printing innovation and manufacturing make it a favored destination for additive manufacturing projects. 


Media Library

Markets Germany 01/25 Markets Germany 01/25 | © GTAI

Focus: The Value of Waste

Germany is vigorously promoting all aspects of the circular economy: from plastic alternatives to recycling technologies, robotics and smart systems

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