Your company is already operating in Germany and you would now like to export worldwide?
Industrial automation is critical to minimizing lightweighting costs. Engineering and tooling are Germany’s flagship industries. Sensors, actuators and big data processing facilitate lighter construction and allow unique functions based on new solutions in design and production.
“Plattform Industrie 4.0” is a national network that also supports the lightweighting industries. The platform sets standards and norms, creates a legal framework that ensures safety issues and helps resolve skill mismatches.
Aerospace has been traditionally the catalyst for lightweight design. The R&D-driven German aerospace industry is continuously raising demand.
Electric mobility desperately needs lightweight design to raise vehicle performance levels. With a total of 40 EVs worldwide, 29 are from German OEMs.
The complexity of lightweight design needs new production technologies. Germany hosts more world market leaders in 3D printing than any other country. Industrial 3D printing will also enhance lightweight design to new levels. It will increase rapid response to markets, overcome design restrictions and increase construction complexity. Supply chains will be compressed producing a just-in-time quantity of parts by keeping the flexibility to change product design.
A solid foundation is being built upon - with Germany’s government already supporting lightweight construction in numerous fields. Ongoing activities will be bundled strategically and expanded in strategic fashion. New measures – including the expansion of ecological and economic measurability to better communicate the benefits of lightweighting to the consumer – are also pivotal to the strategy. Eight packages of measures form the core of the lightweight construction strategy. They are intended to further improve the funding framework for lightweight construction.
Particular focus to be paid to promoting SMEs as Germany's innovation and economic engine. The aim is to support SMEs develop innovative lightweight construction solutions and successfully bring them to market. Financing should be facilitated through better access to investment capital, low-interest investment loans and enhanced financing instruments.
Transfer of knowledge and technology from research to practice should be accelerated: by networking relevant players, promoting cross-industry and cross-material cooperation as well as through studies, real world laboratories and demonstration projects.
New rules for the circular economy, including ecodesign, will strengthen the use of lightweight construction.
Standards and standardization will support lightweight construction innovation by facilitating cooperation and promoting competition.
Funding guideline of the “Lightweight construction and material efficiency” technology transfer program will be amended
Development of quantitative instruments and key figures including life cycle assessments and digital product passports to be promoted. This will make it easier to measure the positive effects of lightweight construction on the climate, environment, economy, and society at large.
Consumer-oriented communication strategy will inform both experts and the general public about the diverse potential opportunities in lightweight construction.
Companies supported in their internationalization efforts to increase international competitiveness in a sustainable way and create global lightweight construction partnerships.