Your company is already operating in Germany and you would now like to export worldwide?

Event Brexit

Webinar-Review: How Brexit affects UK and German E-Commerce Companies

This webinar provided an overview of the changes that will affect e-commerce retailers both in Germany and in the UK business from January 1, 202,  and what preparations you may already make.

26 Oct 2020

Event Review Online | Webinar Brexit
Webinar-Review: How Brexit affects UK and German E-Commerce Companies


Brexit negotiations are in their final phase. It is still unclear whether an agreement on future trade relations between Britain and the EU can be concluded and, if so, what it will involve. However,  it is clear that the changes will have a lasting impact on economic relations and also on e-commerce on both sides of the Channel.

Germany Trade & Invest has joined forces with the German Federal Association of E-Commerce (bevh) and the Department of International Trade to held this UK-German webinar.

In addition to a report on the status of the negotiations, we took a closer look at a wide range of topics from customs and VAT to other relevant legal aspects (including data protection and trademark law) when establishing a company in Germany.

Download all of the speaker presentations at our webinar review site. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have about Germany's e-commerce market and what effects Brexit may have for your business.


State of Play of Brexit Negotiations

  • Rachel King, EU & Economic Counsellor at British Embassy Berlin
  • Richard Todd, Senior Manager Investor and Support Services, GTAI
    download presentation

Relevant legal aspects (data protection, trademark law, consumer protection)

Tax law aspects

Product Labelling and Customs Guidance

  • Chris McNulty, Senior Trade Adviser at British Embassy Berlin
    download presentation
  • Ryan Hanley, Trade Policy Officer at British Embassy Berlin

Setting up your business in the UK

Setting up your business in Germany

  • Johannes Fischer, Senior Manager Digital Economy & Service Industries, GTAI
  • Richard Todd, Senior Manager Investor and Support Services, GTAI
    download presentation

Our free-of-charge services for investors include:

  • Consulting on individual market entry strategy
  • Industry specific market data and statistics
  • Information on the German tax and legal framework
  • Information on finance and incentive options
  • Active support in finding the best business location in Germany

All inquiries are treated confidentially and, because we are a publicly funded agency, all investment services are entirely free of charge.

Our Partner

Lobo: bevh - Der E-Commerce Verband Lobo: bevh - Der E-Commerce Verband | © 2020 Bundesverband E-Commerce und Versandhandel Deutschland e.V. (bevh)

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