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  • Oct 30, 2019 Tender Notice Viet Nam
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    Telemedicine Network

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Programme: Decentralised Healthcare Systems – Telemedicine Project at Viet Duc Hospital to Provincial Hospitals, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
    Ref. No.: Procurement No.: 503216 and decision 281/QD-VD dated March 01st, 2019; KfW-No. 201166503
    Brief description of the contract:
    Viet Duc University Hospital (VDUH) as Project-Executing Agency (PEA) hereby invites qualified System Integrators (SI) of telemedicine networks in cooperation with qualified suppliers of Vietnamese Hospital Management...

  • Oct 22, 2019 Tender Notice Indonesia
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    Telemedicine and eHealth Hardware and Software - International Competitive Bidding with Qualification

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Ref: 504221 BMZ209918111-UNHAS-Telemedicine01
    Hospital UNHAS Makassar
    Brief description of the contract: supply and delivery of Telemedicine and eHealth Hardware and Software

    Successful Bidder: PT Nano Mega Technoloy, Jakarta, Indonesia
    Estimated Start/end of contract: 14.10.2019/31.12.2020
    Contract amount: total 593.905 USD (Lot1 188.221 USD Lot2 405.684 USD

  • Oct 21, 2019 Tender Notice Mozambique
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    Consulting Services, Implementation of the Deposit Guarantee Fund

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Ref: BMZ201166495 and 201467471
    Sustainable Economic Development – Promotion of the Financial Sector
    Requested Services: The objective of the overall project is to fund and operationalize the Deposit Guarantee Fund (DGF) in Mozambique. Consultant services are required as preparatory measures to reach the overall target. The consultant shall propose a team of two experts, a legal expert and an expert with international experience in deposit protection systems. The required experts should have...

  • Oct 18, 2019 Tender Notice Turkey
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    Equipment for Vocational Education Institutions

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Social and Economic Cohesion through Vocational Education
    Supply of Equipment for Vocational Education Institutions in 8 pilot provinces of Turkey
    Brief description of the contract
    The subject of the tender is supply, delivery, unloading, installation, putting into operation, inspection, testing, training and warranty services of equipment to be used for Vocational Education Institutions in 8 pilot provinces of Turkey.
    LOT-1: Information Technologies Equipment
    LOT-2: Beauty and...

  • Oct 10, 2019 Event Germany Brexit

    Webinar: "Brexit: Wohin steuert die Wirtschaft? Branchenentwicklungen und Fallbeispiele deutscher Unternehmen"

    Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) veranstaltete am 10. Oktober 2019 ein Webinar zum Thema „Brexit: Wohin steuert die Wirtschaft? Branchenentwicklungen und Fallbeispiele deutscher Unternehmen“.
    Nach aktuellem Stand tritt das Vereinigte Königreich am 31. Oktober 2019 aus der Europäischen Union (EU) aus. Ob und wie der Brexit vollzogen wird, ist zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt unklar. Auch wie künftige Handelsbeziehungen zwischen der EU und dem Vereinigten Königreich nach dem geplanten Brexit aussehen, ist weiter...

  • Oct 08, 2019 Event Germany Brexit

    Brexit-Workshop Recht und Zoll

    Was passiert, wenn Großbritannien den Status eines Drittlands einnimmt? Was ist zoll- und außenwirtschaftsrechtlich zu beachten? Welchen Punkten die Unternehmen im Hinblick auf den Brexit Beachtung schenken sollten, war Thema des Workshops. Hierzu zählten z. B.:
    Verträge mit britischen Geschäftspartnern,
    die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen in Großbritannien,
    das Arbeitsrecht,
    die Entsendung von Mitarbeitern nach Großbritannien,
    Ursprungsnachweise / Lieferantenerklärung,
    Warenursprung und Präferenzen im...

  • Oct 04, 2019 Tender Notice Liberia
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    Pre-paid Energy Meters

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Project: Electrification and Grid Upgrade along the CLSG Transmission Line in Monrovia
    Brief description of the contract awarded: Fast-Track procurement of 15,000 Pre-paid energy meters

    Successful Bidder: Holley Technology Ltd, China
    Estimated Start of Contract/Contract Duration: October 2019/150 days
    Contract amount: Euro 607,050.00

  • Oct 02, 2019 Tender Notice Germany
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    Consulting Services for the InsuResilience Solutions Fund

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    BMZ201636596; CXP4YS6YWM5
    Brief description of the contract awarded:
    The InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF) is a grant facility to co-finance product development of innovative climate risk insurance products in developing and emerging countries. The goal of the ISF is to better cover those affected against climate and natural disasters. On the one hand, it offers demand-oriented and data-based climate risk research and advisory on the ground. It enables responsible local partners to better assess...

  • Sep 26, 2019 Tender Notice Viet Nam
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    Design/Construction Services, Wastewater Treatment Plant/Wastewater Disposal System

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    This invitation to express interest, published on August 17, 2018, has been cancelled!
    Project Name: Urban Environment Improvement in Chu Lai Nui Thanh
    Package XL1: Design and Build Works for Tam Hiep Wastewater Treatment Plant and Construction of Wastewater Disposal System
    Ref.-No. UEI-CLNT/VN/KfW/CW/PXL1/2018-PQ
    Short description:
    Qualified Contractors or Joint Ventures are invited to submit a prequalification document for procurement of works for the design, manufacture, construction...

  • Sep 24, 2019 - Sep 27, 2019 Event United Kingdom Brexit

    IMHX 2019

    Germany Trade & Invest was present at IMHX, the UK's largest event for logistics and supply chain professionals. Our industry expert David Chasdi, Senior Manager for Digital and Service Industries, was on site to inform about business opportunities in Germany and how GTAI can support your expansion.
    IMHX acts as a meeting place for those involved in the handling, movement or transportation of goods throughout the supply chain to come together and do business.

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