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  • Jul 07, 2022
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  • Jul 07, 2022 Electronics & Microtechnology
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    Photonic World-Class Research in Germany

    Increased levels of automation in passenger vehicles, light-based technologies in the health sector and the ongoing digitalization of industry are just some areas driving demand for advanced photonics solutions in application industries.

  • Jul 07, 2022 Electronics & Microtechnology
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    Market Opportunities in Germany’s Photonics Industry

    Germany’s optics and photonics sector is growing vigorously and attracting major foreign investment.

  • Jul 07, 2022 Electronics & Microtechnology
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    The German Photonics Industry in Numbers

    Germany boasts one of the world’s most thriving and innovative photonics sectors and ranks as Europe’s leading photonics nation with more than 40 percent of continental production.

  • Jul 04, 2022 Fact Sheet Financial Services
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    The Finance Sector in Germany

    Germany is a major international financial center and the leading location in continental Europe. Five German cities regularly rank within the top 50 of the Global Financial Centres Index. Download our latest fact sheet about "The Finance Sector in Germany" for free!

  • Jul 04, 2022 Tender Notice Georgia Recycling & Waste Management
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    Procurement of Equipment for Kakheti and Samegrelo - Zemo Svaneti municipalities and for Pilot Recycling projects

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Short description of goods / service tendered:
    Supply of different waste collection and street cleaning equipment. The tender is divided in lots.
    Lot 1: Supply of waste collection trucks of different type and capacity, mechanical street sweeper, baler for cardboard/ paper and a pedestrian forklift
    Lot 2: Waste bins of different capacity (1,100 litre, 240 litre and 120 litre) and for different types of waste; street sweeping equipment (street cleaning trolleys, uniforms for workers and street litter...

  • Jul 01, 2022
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    Semiconductor Industry in Germany

    Germany is seeking to establish itself as a major semiconductor production force in order to safeguard technological sovereignty and prepare the way for future markets dependent on semiconductor applications.

  • Jul 01, 2022 Tender Notice Madagaskar Financial Services
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    Automatic Teller Machines

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Cancellation has been done as none of the received offers is substantially compliant with the qualification requirements and criteria stipulated in the Bid document.
    Requested Services:
    Context: AccèsBanque Madagascar has received fund from KfW for employment and private sector promotion for Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) (Covid-19 Emergency Facility – Phase II), and intends to apply a part of this fund for the acquisition and installation of...

  • Jul 01, 2022 Tender Notice Kenya Financing
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    Consulting Services, Financing of Infrastructure Projects

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Due to the insufficient submissions of applications from eligible firms, the tender process had to be cancelled!
    Project measures: The objective of the project is to strengthen Africa's economic and social infrastructure and thus substantially promote its long-term development by facilitating regional trade, strengthening the financial sector and expanding social services.
    Requested Consultant services:
    The main activities of the Consultant are supposed to include the i)...

  • Jul 01, 2022 Tender Notice Rwanda Consulting, Public Sector
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    Consulting Services, Construction and equipment procurement of “Regional Centre of Excellence for Vaccines, Immunization and Health Supply Chain Management (RCE-VIHSCM)” building in Kigali 

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The EAC (East African Community) intends to promote regional initiatives to improve global health care. Health supply chain management has been identified as one key component for improving the situation of many decentralized health centres. In that framework the EAC has established a Regional Centre of Excellence for Vaccines, Immunization and Health Supply Chain Management (RCEVIHSCM) to foster these competences. The Centre provides educational facilities for health...

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