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Electronics & Microtechnology

Photonic World-Class Research in Germany

Germany is home to an impressive number of regional and national networks and clusters. The rapid proliferation of science and industry clusters can be attributed to the country’s advanced level of industrial diversity aligned to a sustained and forward-looking innovation policy.

OptecNet Deutschland

The German optics and photonics industry is concentrated within several clusters and industry associations. Regional clusters are organized in OptecNet Deutschland – the association of the German Regional Competence Networks for Optical Technologies. Founded in 2000 as an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), OptecNet Deutschland is the supraregional association of the seven regional competence networks. OptecNet’s mission is to support the optical technologies as key technologies for Germany.


Spectaris is the German industry association for the high-tech medium-sized business sector and representative body in the areas of medical technology, consumer optics, analytical, bio and laboratory technology as well as photonics. Spectaris pools the interests of around 400 member companies from Germany and their 300,000 strong workforce. Through its political activities, public relations and industry marketing, the association gives its members a voice, formulates new responsibilities and opens up new markets. This ensures the international competitiveness of German industry in these sectors and thus safeguards locations and jobs.

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