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  • Feb 01, 2012
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    Terms & Conditions

    Last updated May 2022
    § 1 Contractual partners/Scope
    (1) The following party is the seller and exclusive contractual partner for all your orders:
    Germany Trade and Invest
    Gesellschaft für Außenwirtschaft und Standortmarketing mbH
    Head office
    Friedrichstrasse 60
    10117 Berlin
    Dr. Jürgen Friedrich, Chairman/CEO
    Dr. Robert Hermann, CEO
    Register court: Charlottenburg District Court
    Register number: HRB 107541 B
    T: +49 30 200 099 0
    F: +49 30 200 099 812
    (2) Contracts for...

  • Jan 24, 2012
    store page page bookmarked

    Promotion of the New Federal States

    GTAI Promotes the Internationalization of the East German Economy
    Eastern Germany's economic power has grown considerably since reunification in 1990. In the last 25 years, the gross domestic product of the new federal states has almost doubled. The Federal Government supports increased investment in the region and raising innovation and internationalization levels in Eastern Germany.
    Foreign direct investment plays an important part in developing eastern German business structures. The new federal...

  • Dec 14, 2011
    store page page bookmarked

    Legal Notice

    Germany Trade and Invest - Gesellschaft für Außenwirtschaft und Standortmarketing mbH

    Head Office
    Friedrichstrasse 60
    10117 Berlin
    T. +49 30 200 099 0
    F. +49 30 200 099 812
    Bonn Office
    Villemombler Strasse 76
    53123 Bonn
    T. +49 228 24 993 0
    F. +49 228 24 993 212
    Executive Board:
    Julia Braune, Chairwoman/CEO
    Dr. Robert Hermann, CEO
    Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board:
    Dr. Franziska Brantner, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate...

  • Nov 21, 2011
    store page page bookmarked

    Information Service

    Your direct link to our in-house experts
    Have you searched our databases and still cannot find the information that you need? Make use of our fee-based information service. Send us an email or give us a call. Our specialized staff will conduct bespoke research for you.


    0228 24993-266

    0228 24993-249

    Western Europe
    0228 24993-273

    Middle East / Africa
    0228 24993-267...

  • Nov 17, 2011
    store page page bookmarked

    Investor Consulting

    GTAI Advises Foreign Investors Locating to Germany
    Germany is one of the most popular investment locations in the world. Around 55,000 foreign companies are situated in the Federal Republic of Germany, and are responsible for investment of nearly EUR 600 billion. Foreign direct investment provides jobs for over three million people.
    GTAI industry experts identify future themes that position Germany as an attractive business and technology location for international businesses. Investment streams...

  • Nov 17, 2011
    store page page bookmarked

    Export Promotion

    GTAI Provides Comprehensive Export Market Information
    In order to successfully compete internationally, Germany’s export-oriented SME sector has to know its markets and the import regulations and characteristics of its target countries.
    GTAI experts at more than 50 locations worldwide analyze the latest trends and developments in all strategic growth markets. Our database is updated daily and offers a diverse variety of status reports and analyses with around 3,000 new articles each year.

  • Nov 17, 2011
    store page page bookmarked

    Social Media

    Germany Trade & Invest is active on several social media platforms. The following is a list of all the available platforms where we can be found:

    Press 16
  • Nov 17, 2011
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    Media Contacts

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our corporate communications team.

    Andreas Bilfinger
    Public Relations
    T +49 30 200 099 173
    F +49 30 200 099 77 173
    Submit your question

    Jefferson Chase
    Senior Manager
    Media Relations (English)
    T.: +49 30 200 099 170
    F.: +49 30 200 099 77 170
    Submit your question

    Yi Cao
    Senior Manager
    Media Relations Asia
    T.: +49 30 200 099 163
    F.: +49 30 200 099 77 163
    Submit your question

    Esad Fazlic

    Press 31
  • Nov 17, 2011 Press Release
    store page page bookmarked

    Innovation and Reliability

    In an interview with the major German daily newspaper Die Welt, Germany Trade & Invest Chairman/CEO Jürgen Friedrich discussed the importance of “Made in Germany” as a brand in times of trade conflicts.

    Welt: What’s the secret that allowed “Made in Germany” to become such a success?
    Jürgen Friedrich: The “Made in Germany” label was actually introduced by the British government in the late nineteenth century to dissuade consumers from buying cheap German imports. The label stuck, but the idea that...

  • Nov 11, 2011
    store page page bookmarked


    Our Vision
    GTAI is the central point of contact for German foreign trade. We see ourselves as facilitators who support German companies in their international business activities and foreign companies looking to locate to Germany.
    With our recognized service profile we want to permanently establish ourselves as a brand and competent partner and promote Germany's image as a business location through targeted marketing activities.

    Our Mission
    As the economic development agency of the Federal...

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