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Tender Notice Egypt Education

Consulting Services, Development of Centres of Competence for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency and Upgrading of Technical Schools

Tender Award

  • Country Egypt
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201565217/BMZ201468552
  • Subject Promotion of Technical Vocational Education Training, Egypt
  • Further Information TENDER AWARD (revised)

Brief description of the Contract:

The Project concerns (as Component 1) the transformation of two existing technical schools in Hurghada and Aswan into Centres of Competence for renewable energy and energy efficiency and (as Component 2) the upgrading of existing technical schools in Greater Cairo, Alexandria and Gharbiya region.  In both components technical schools will be rehabilitated and expanded, if needed. This includes the rehabilitation of classrooms, workshops, sanitary facilities and administrative offices, as well as the redesign of the school premises. KfW school-building standards will be applied in the sense of a youth-friendly, fully functional design. In addition, special attention is paid to increasing energy efficiency in the school buildings. Depending on the need, additional facilities will be established within the school premises that will allow the school to interact with neighbouring companies, conduct competence-based education and have enough space for the constantly growing number of students.  Furthermore, the necessary technical equipment will be procured for the maintenance of the existing and the expansion of new teaching activities. This includes the replacement of outdated equipment as well as the acquisition of new modern machines which operate with innovative technologies and can be used meaningfully in the context of the curricula. In addition to that, training and further tutoring for the teachers will be carried out within the project

Requested Services

Investment Measure: Design, tender, site supervision, equipment, handover of two Centres of Competence and of several Technical Schools.

Component 1:

  • Assist in developing an educational and training concept for the Centers of Competence, including the cooperation strategy with the private sector and a proposal for the curricula to be applied
  • Assess existing technical conditions and determine investment needs in both schools, elaborate corresponding specific development plans
  • Elaborate specifications and tender documents. International procurement process by way of an architectural competition. The Consultant shall be part of the Evaluation Committee
  • Permanent construction supervision
  • Development of an operation and management concept of the upgraded CoC
  • Assist on the preparation of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) agreement for the operation and management of the CoC.
  • Reporting

Component 2:

  • Organizing the application and selection process of pre-selected schools from the existing long list (elaboration of selection criteria, application forms, support during application and selection of schools, elaborate final proposal of Project Schools)
  • Assess existing conditions and determine investment needs for selected Project Schools, elaborate corresponding specific development plans
  • Assist GAEB in the elaboration of corresponding final designs; monitor progress of construction works through regular on-site monitoring.

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