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Tender Notice Armenia Smart Grids

HVDC Converter Station

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country Armenia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ200766352/KfW505480
  • Subject Caucasus Energy Network - Lot 3 – HVDC Converter Station


The tender for Lot 3, HVDC Converter Station at Ayrum was cancelled according to KfW Procurement Guidelines (January 2019) Art. 2.5.15 item (1) when there has been a lack of competition (Prequalified bidders have not submitted their technical and financial bids). 


Requested Services:

  • Lot 3: design and construction of Ayrum HVDC Converter Station in Armenia on a turnkey basis. The scope of work shall include design, manufacturing, delivery, installation, commissioning and acceptance testing of the equipment and the entire HVDC Back-to-Back Converter Station (rated power approx. 350 MW) with VSC technology, to be suitable for satisfactory operation in every respect.

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