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Tender Notice Armenia Environmental Technologies

Construction Services, Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal

Tender Award

  • Country Armenia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201366343; CIP II-P3-AWSC
  • Subject Communal Infrastructure II, Phase 3 – Armenia, Water and Sanitation
  • Further Information Finanzierung: KfW, EIB, Republik Armenien

Brief description of the Contract:

Communal Infrastructure Program (CIP) II, Phase 3 – Armenia, Water and Sanitation Project;  Lot-3/1: Rehabilitation of the Water Supply Network and Sewer Systems of the Armenian Water and Sewerage CJSC service areas in the Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor and Syunik Marzes of RA.

Short description:

  • Qualified independent companies are invited to submit bids for construction works for the third phase of the Communal Infrastructure Program that aims for sustainable improvement of water supply and sewerage for the population in the Armenia water and sewerage service area, thus raising of the living and health conditions. The project objective concerns the rehabilitation, renewal and extension of the water supply network (DRRs, water intake structures, water mains, sanitary protection zones, water distribution network lines, valve chambers, fire hydrant chambers, etc.) as well as some urgent measures in the sewer system (collectors, sewage pumping station and pressure pipeline). Thus the continuous and demand oriented supply of the population with hygienic sound drinking water shall be achieved.

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