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Tender Notice Morocco Project Management, Evaluation

Consulting Services for Project Definition and Implementation


  • Country Morocco
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202068138/KfW510951; MO-IRESEN-02
  • Subject German-Moroccan Thematic PtX-Programme – Component 2, Financial Support to the GH2A Plattform

Requested services: 

IRESEN (L'Institut de Recherche en Énergie Solaire et Énergies Nouvelles ) has identified potential applications for Power to X (PtX) and facilities at different locations.

The Consultant will support IRESEN at different levels:

  • Definition of the Power to Liquid demonstration project to be implemented 
  • Prepare and conduct the demostration project tender, act as Implementation Consultant during design, construction, commissioning, and Defect Notification Period until Final Acceptance. The Consultant will act as the Engineer or the Employer Representative as per FIDIC Contracts.

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