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Tender Notice Turkey Education, General

Procurement of Video Shooting, Social Media Tracking and Content Development Services

Tender Award

  • Country Turkey
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ302000164/KfW504932
  • Subject Social and Economic Cohesion through Vocational Education

Brief description of the contract:

Project aims to ensure quality and accessible vocational and technical education to Turkish children and Syrian children under temporary protection, improve their education environment and provide support to increase attendance to education in 8 pilot provinces in Turkey.

Throughout the duration of the project, films depicting the details of the project in order to introduce the activities to be carried out by the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY to the target audiences, the details of the activities (renewed workshops, social and economic cohesion studies, student support packages, social cohesion through vocational education, raising awareness about the importance of vocational education and the opportunities provided by the same, increasing cooperation with the business world and the outcomes towards employment) and the benefits obtained from all these shall be produced.

Content management and updating of the Website already set up by the project, preparation of mobile application and opening and management of social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn) shall also be fulfilled by the CONTRACTOR under the scope of this service.

Furthermore, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the necessary services required for the provision of content and visual material for all social media accounts, the web site and the mobile application, for the uploads and management subject to the approval of the Contracting Authority. It shall develop the management interfaces required for the management of these systems.

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