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Culture and Sports

Bundesliga Does Record Business in 2023

Germany’s professional football league recorded 22 percent growth in last season according to a new study by business consultants Deloitte.

The German Bundesliga had a best-ever turnover of EUR 3.8 billion in the 2022-23 season, the report found. That made the league the second largest in the world after the English Premier League (EUR 7 billion) but ahead of Spain’s La Liga, Italy’s Serie A and France’s Ligue 1. The figures do not include transfer fees.

One reason for the impressive growth was the end of corona restrictions, which brought about a dramatic rise in the number of live spectators. German stadiums were 92 percent full, with an average attendance of 43,000 per match – better than any other European league.

Media revenue increased 10 percent, buoyed by German clubs performing well in the Champions League, while commercial revenues grew by 19 percent. The Bundesliga earned a total operative profit of EUR 400 million.

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