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Germany in Numbers

Germany is home to the largest economy in Europe. Highly industrialized and diversified, the national economy accounts for around 25 percent of European gross domestic product.

Even though the German economy is facing some challenges at the moment and the economic perfomance in 2023 was treading waters, there are some positive signs. The inflation has slowed down and the labor market is in good condition as companies have a lot of job vaccancies to fill.

Strong Economy

The effects of the energy price crisis in conjunction with the challenges of the global economy – high inflation and the war in Ukraine - are weighing on the German economy more persistently than expected in spring. However, the German economy is expected to develop some momentum at the turn of the year and get back on a growth path in 2024.

According to data from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany’s GDP will experience a slight decline of 0.4 percent in 2023. In its autumn forecast 2023 the German Government expects GDP to grow and recover in 2024 and 2025 by 1.3 and 1.5 percent respectively.

German Economic Performance
Private Consumption3.9-
Gross Fixed Capital Investment0.
Price adjusted year-on-year changes (in %) *Forecast Source: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action 2023

Economic Structure & Activity

Gross domestic production increased by 3.5 percent in 2021, after the downturn of almost five percent caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

Economic Activity (2020)


EUR 3,332 billion (nominal)

GDP per Capita

EUR 40,072

GDP by Sector

Services 70%, Industry 23%, Construction 6%, Agriculture 1%

GDP Growth

2020: -4.9%, 2021: 3.5%. 2022: 3.6%

Inflation Rate


Exports of Goods

EUR 1,204 billion

Imports of Goods

EUR 1,025 billion

Economic Structure (latest figures as of 2020)

Number of Companies

3.5 million

Percentage of which are SMEs


Total Turnover All Companies

EUR 6.97 trillion

Total SME Turnover


Total Employees

43 million - largest pool of labor in the EU

Number of Employees in SMEs



Germany’s infrastructure excellence is confirmed by a number of studies conducted by the World Economic Forum  and the World Bank.

German Infrastructure Numbers (2020)


357,581 km²


2,389 km

International Passenger Airports




Inland Ports





230,000 km (of which 13,000 km highway)


38,000 km

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