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Innovative Power

Innovative Power

The high-tech location Germany is a first-class address for realizing your business ideas. We help you to find the best partners for your investment project.

Strong innovation performance

Germany enjoys an excellent reputation for its dynamic and innovative R&D environment. This is regularly confirmed by leading international organizations. Germany ranks fourth in the EU after Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands in the 2023 Global Innovation Index published by the World Intellectual Property Organisatzion (WIPO). Similarly, Germany is among the strong innovators in the European Commissions’s 2023 version of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). Germany is a prime destination for R&D projects.

A proof of the 'world class performance' of German R&D departments is provided by the results of the surveys of the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany (AmCham). In 2023, 94 percent of the American companies interviewed rated Germany’s quality of research & development as “good” or “very good.” The survey further highlights the quality and availability of skilled employees as wells as the regulatory environment for R&D. 

European patent leader

The great innovative power of German companies can be seen in the number of patents filed. In 2022, 24,684 German patent applications originating in Germany were registered by the European Patent Office - more than twice as much as French applications alone. Germany also leads Europe in triadic patent applications - the series of corresponding patents filed at the European Patent Office (EPO), the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Japanese Patent Office (JPO). With around 54 patents per one million inhabitants, Germany occupied fifth place in Europe following Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and Finland in 2020.

Industry potential to invest in research and development

Germany's position as a high-tech location is no mere accident. Companies invest significant sums in order to continually bring innovative products and services to the market. According to the Joint Initiative of German Industry for Promoting Science and Humanities (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft), internal economy-related research and development expenditure accounted for EUR 75.7 billion in 2021.

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