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Company Taxation

Corporate Income Tax

All corporations are liable to corporate income tax. This is levied at a flat nationwide rate of 15 percent on the taxable profits of the company.

Companies Liable to Corporate Income Tax

Corporate companies – such as the limited liability company (GmbH) or the stock corporation (AG) – based in Germany or with an executive board in Germany are liable to corporate income tax on globally generated income. However, Germany has entered into double tax agreements with more than 90 countries in order to avoid or mitigate the effects of a double taxation in two countries.

Corporate companies who are not based in Germany and do not have an executive board in Germany are only liable to corporate income tax on income generated inside Germany (e.g. via a permanent establishment, dividends or licenses).

Corporate Income Tax Rate

Corporate income tax is levied as a flat nationwide tax at a rate of 15 percent of taxable corporate income. Taxable income (i.e. annual business profit) forms the tax base for corporate income tax. Under German commercial law, corporate company annual profit is calculated according to the accrual basis accounting method. This is recorded in the annual financial statement and forms the basis for determining taxable income.

However, German tax law provides different accounting options and income correction rules, meaning that the taxable income usually differs from the annual profit determined in the financial statement under commercial law. For more information please also refer to our chapter on tax deductions.

Solidarity Surcharge 

In addition, a solidarity surcharge (Solidaritätszuschlag) is added on top of the corporate income tax. The surcharge is a fixed and flat nationwide component of company taxation and set at a rate of 5.5 percent of the 15 percent corporate income tax (not the income); creating a total of around 0.8 percent of taxable income. Taken together, the corporate income tax and solidarity surcharge amount to a total taxable rate of around 15.8 percent.



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