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Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum | © Westminster Forum Projects 2020

Event Brexit

Next steps for England’s water market and the implementation of PR19

23 Oct 2020

Webinar Online | London Brexit
Next steps for England’s water market and the implementation of PR19

Germany Trade & Invest will be present at the Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum „TNext steps for England’s water market and the implementation of PR19“. This is a full-scale conference taking place online

Meet our colleague Marc Lehnfeld from GTAI London.

This conference will assess the next steps for developing England’s water market, and the priorities for operating within the new 2019 Price Review (PR19) framework.

Bringing together key stakeholders with regulatory and policy officials, areas for discussion include:

  • the PR19 regulatory framework, and adjusting the sector to new commitments and pricing
  • preparing and delivering a green COVID-19 recovery
  • developing England’s water infrastructure and maintaining resilience
  • sustainable water systems and priorities for protecting the natural environment

Areas for discussion include:

  • The PR19 regulatory framework, and adjusting the sector to new commitments and pricing.
  • Preparing and delivering a green COVID-19 recovery.
  • Developing England’s water infrastructure and maintaining resilience

The agenda:

  • The final PR19 determinations and reforming the regulatory regime - new commitments for services, cost effectiveness, and consumer quality
  • Adjusting to the new price review period and priorities for meeting demand - tightening environmental commitments, developing financial sustainability, and reducing costs for consumers
  • A green COVID-19 recovery - cooperation across asset use, sharing development plans and best practice, and latest thinking on decarbonising operations and setting a plan for net-zero by 2030
  • Assessing the priorities for further developing water infrastructure in England
  • Policy priorities for England’s water sector, and ensuring regulation supports infrastructure modernisation and consumer quality

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