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Event Structural Change

Webinar Review: “Sustainable Mining” Delegation Trip 2022 Information Event Australia

This webinar was an information session for the "Sustainable Mining" delegation trip of Australian companies and organisations from the mining sector to Germany in May 2022.

01 Dec 2021

Webinaraufzeichnung Online Structural Change
Webinar Review: “Sustainable Mining” Delegation Trip 2022 Information Event Australia


  • Heiko Stumpf, GTAI Australia
  • Dr. Robert Hermann, Managing Director, GTAI
  • Dr. Thomas Fitschen, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Australia
  • Dr. Stefan von Senger und Etterlin, Head of Department International Business and European Services, Economic Development Agency Brandenburg
  • Jens-Peter Lux, Managing Director, DMT GmbH & Co. KG


  • Jürgen Wallstabe, Manager – Competence Centre Mining & Resources, AHK Australia

Our partners

partner logos: German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce & Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Canberra partner logos: German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce & Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Canberra | © AHK Australian | Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Canberra
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