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Social Media

Germany Trade & Invest is active on several social media platforms. The following is a list of all the available platforms where we can be found:

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GTAI is represented on Twitter with both German and English-language accounts.

The English feed publishes German business news, including developments in Germany and activities of German companies abroad, while the German account provides information on the latest market and industry reports as well as legal and customs news from abroad.

Twitter Account

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On our Youtube channel, you can find several videos on the activities of GTAI.

Here we regularly post our "markets on air" segment, a monthly video news program that reports on the foreign activities of German companies and the latest business news from Germany. In addition, you can also find several of our marketing campaign videos and other interesting video material.

YouTube Channel

Logo LinkedIn Logo LinkedIn | © LinkedIn Corporation

We can also be found on LinkedIn, the world's largest English-language professional network. Alongside our company page, which we regularly update with the latest news, we have also created a discussion forum entitled "Marketplace Germany" for users to exchange ideas, interact, and pose questions to which Germany Trade & Invest experts can respond.

Company Page on LinkedIn


On the German-language business network XING, Germany Trade & Invest is present with its own company page.

Here you can find company news, press releases and the latest job offerings.

Company Page on XING (German)

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