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Tender Notice Albania Building Construction

Construction Works, Rehabilitation, extension and capacity upgrade of the Multifunctional Training Centre/ MFC Kamza

Tender Award

  • Country Albania
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201667500/KfW505654; AL-KMZ-01/2020
  • Subject Rehabilitation, extension and capacity upgrade of the MFC Kamza (construction works), in Albania

Brief description of the Contract:

The Government of Albania (GoA) has requested the German Government to support the further improvement of vocational education and training in Albania, specifically by supporting the establishment of the Multifunctional Training Centre (MFC) in Kamza as a pilot for further expansion of the intended MFC network in Albania. It is envisaged to implement the project under the German Development Cooperation through the German Development Bank - KfW Entwicklungsbank. The initial focus of this Financial Cooperation (FC) intervention is the rehabilitation, extension and capacity upgrade of the existing VET school at Kamza to become a fully-fledged MFC.

Requested works:

The existing MFC Kamza is located on a plot of approx. 8,576 m² and will be extended by two new buildings to be constructed: One 1-storey workshop-building for the Transport Car Services trade and one 2-storey classroom building with mixed trades functions (including facilities for the trade hotel and tourism and the classrooms for car services and hotel and tourism). Both buildings are located close to each other and are connected along a common axis. The total gross floor building area will be approx. 4,100 m², the external area to be developed will be approx. 4700 m².

The works will comprise:

· Civil works comprising floor, wall and ceiling partitions & finishes, plastering, tiling, internal partitioning fixtures and fittings, ironmongery, plumbing, drainage and sanitary installations, waterproofing, firefighting, electrical lifts, earthworks & paving in external areas, external works together with other works;

· HVAC: Heating, Ventilation and cooling system, solar water heating installations for the new buildings together with other associated works;

· Mechanical Installation: Water supply / distribution, sewerage; rainwater harvesting system and firefighting water tank;

· Electrical Installation: Electrical Installations for the new buildings together with other associated works;

· ICT and Security Systems: ICT network, cabling and Installations for the new buildings together with other associated systems;

· Energy Efficiency: Energy Efficient and Renewable Energy installations for the new buildings together with other associated works.

· Demolition works of existing garage/storage building (approx. 150 m²).

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