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Tender Notice Bangladesh Energy Efficiency

Consulting Services, Energy Efficiency in the Industry

Tender Award

  • Country Bangladesh
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ2019.7009.9/KFW508324; Project 43150
  • Subject Energy Efficiency in The Industry Project

Brief description of the Contract:

The objective of the “Energy Efficiency in the Industry” project is to provide access to concessionary credit, incentivizing industrial companies in Bangladesh to extend and/or replace their equipment, machinery, production systems and processes with more energy-efficient substitutes. The project will be implemented as two credit lines with a total value of 80 million Euro, provided by the KfW Development Bank to the project executing entities (PEAs) Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) and Bangladesh Infrastructure Financing Fund Limited (BIFFL). The PEAs will use the credit lines to provide loans for investments in energy efficiency measures to sub-borrowers in a range of targeted sectors, such as cement, RMG, textiles, ceramic, pulp and paper, and steel. The Consultant will support the PEAs in the implementation of the credit lines

Requested Services:

The Consultant will implement at least the following measures:

  1. Develop and maintain the “positive list”, a set of standard materials, equipment and measures that are eligible to be financed in the project without further in-depth technical eligibility appraisal
  2. Develop standard templates and procedures for energy saving assessments (ESA) and standard energy audits (SEA)
  3. Train and qualify national energy efficiency experts who can also work as independent energy auditors for the project
  4. Develop a project management information system (PMS), including rules, procedures and templates for managing loan appraisal, as well as project management, impact monitoring and reporting
  5. Implement capacity-building measures for the PEAs and other relevant stakeholders of the project
  6. Implement ESA and SEA, supervise external experts implementing ESA and SEA, or review ESA or SEA prepared by third parties
  7. Support the PEAs in performing environmental and social assessments of all high-risk (and where appropriate for moderate risk) activities
  8. Evaluate the compliance of moderate and high-risk projects with the environmental and social requirements by means of a gap analysis, applying the relevant WB ESS 1-10, World Bank Group EHS Guidelines, and the ILO core labour standards
  9. Implement a marketing and outreach campaign for energy efficiency measures
  10. Support the PEAs in the financial administration of programme funds
  11. Support the PEAs in the implementation of the environmental and social commitment plan
  12. Support the collaboration between the PEAs and the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority of Bangladesh (SREDA)
  13. Conduct ex-post technical inspections and validation of actual energy savings
  14. Implement an exit strategy for the consulting services

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