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Tender Notice Bangladesh

Consulting Services, Climate Change Adaption of Urban Infrastructure

Tender Award

  • Country Bangladesh
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Subject Climate Change Adaption, Urban Infrastructure (CCAUD) Phase II - Khulna Component

Brief description of the contract:

The Services requested are for a Feasibility Study, which, among others, (i) reviews and reality-checks existing urban development plans and data, (ii) carries out a Climate Risk Assessment analysis of the Project Area, (iii) identifies a wide range of suitable climate adaption measures / interventions, and, (iv) following a more detailed analysis and prioritisation, (v) further studies and prepares prioritized climate adaptation measures to feasibility level for further assessment for support through KfW. The Services will also include full Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) of the final recommended priority measures as well as additional preparatory and capacity building services.

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