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Tender Notice Bangladesh Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure

Consulting Services, Urban Infrastructure/Storm Water Management (Accompanying Measure)

Tender Award

  • Country Bangladesh
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201667708/BMZ201670066/KfW508603
  • Subject Climate Change-Adapted Urban Development Programme (CCAUD) - CCAUD Phase II – Khulna

Project measures:

The German Financial Cooperation (FC) through KfW Development Bank (KfW) is supporting Bangladesh with an emphasis on Climate Change Adapted Urban Development (CCAUD), particularly through investments in urban infrastructure and project related capacity development.

CCAUD Phase II – Khulna (the “Project”) will focus on much needed improvements to stormwater drainage and flood control in Khulna City. The Project will build, rehabilitate and improve climate-resilient public urban infrastructure in Khulna. The main elements are:

  • Improvement of stormwater management system

  • New and rehabilitated communal open green/blue spaces and social public infrastructure

  • Establishment of riverbank erosion protection at identified critical stretches

Brief description of the Contract:

The scope of the Services includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Provide project and contract management support as well as general capacity strengthening;

  2. Enhance citizen awareness, participation and social accountability in relation to solid waste management;

  3. Improve Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Service Delivery through KCC;

  4. Enhance KCC´s capacities in climate resilient urban planning;

  5. Provide ESHS capacity building; and

  6. Support Impact Monitoring

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