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Tender Notice Burkina Faso Water Supply, Irrigation

Rehabilitation and Extension of Drinking Water Distribution Networks (Banfora und Bérégadougou)

Tender Award

  • Country Burkina Faso
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201468503/BMZ201470350/BMZ201767516/KFW506546; 038/2020/ONEA/DG
  • Subject Water supply and sanitation in small and medium sized towns in the regions of Boucle du Mouhoun, Cascades, Hauts-Bassins and Sud-Ouest

Brief description of the Contract:

  • rehabilitation and extension of 2 drinking water distribution networks through laying of 178 km of cast iron, PVC and PEHD pipes in the range of 63 to 400 mm diameter, material supply for 2.685 house connections and construction of 26 public stand posts, installation of 4 District Metered Areas (DMA) equipped with electromagnetic water meters including real time transmission of information to the operation and control center in Banfora

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