Tender Notice Burkina Faso Solar Energy
Solar Equipment
Cancellation Notice KfW
Nov 02, 2021
- Country Burkina Faso, Niger
- Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
- Reference Number AOI/ PROALAB-OOAS/2021/002
- Subject Programme de renforcement de la Surveillance Epidémiologique et des Systèmes de Laboratoire en Afrique de l’Ouest - Acquisition et installation d’équipements solaires
Requested Services
- Lot 1: supply and installation of solar equipment for 2 reference laboratories in Burkina Faso
- Lot 2: supply and installation of solar equipment for 3 reference laboratories in Niger
in the context of a programme to improve the epidemiological surveillance systems in Western Africa
Further details are available in the original document in French language (see Download)!
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