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Tender Notice China Forestry, Landscaping

Construction/Procurement, Restoration of Zhoujiaba Ecological Wetland

  • Country China
  • Deadline Oct 17, 2024
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number KfW511002
  • Subject Protection and Resource Recycling Project of Zhoujiaba Ecological Wetland in Luojiang District Utilizing German Promotional Loan; Tender Lot3: Protection and restoration of the Zhoujiaba Ecological Wetland

Requested Services:

  • The project includes protection and restoration of the Zhoujiaba Ecological Wetland, the construction of ecological dike, construction of the ecological wetland for advanced wastewater treatment and basic instruments for monitoring and operation of the wetland park, the construction of Zhoujiaba Gate 2, and the supply and installation of all the equipment and facilities as well as conducting the commissioning.  

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