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Tender Notice China Energy

Consulting, Expansion of the District Heating System Houma

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country China
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ301000678/KfW505470
  • Subject Houma Gas Fired District Heating Project

This Prequalification notice, published on 23/06/2020, has been CANCELLED

Project Measures:

KfW will partly finance the planned Houma Gas-fired District Heating Project (the “Project”). The Project concerns the expansion of the district heating system in Houma City, Shanxi Province, and surrounding rural areas, using a new gas-fired heat plant as heat source. The purpose of the Project is to contribute to a safe and environmentally friendly heat supply for all consumers connected to the expanded district heating system. This is to contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse-gas emissions. The following installation works and equipment will be financed from the KfW loan:

  • Construction of a new gas-fired heat source plant (3*116 MW)
  • Construction of a relay pump station;
  • Laying of a high-temperature primary heat supply pipe network with a length of approx. 112 km;
  • Installation of a new secondary heat supply pipe network in the rural areas with a total length of 521 km;
  • Construction of 59 new heat exchange stations

Requested Services:

The Project design has been completed by a Design Institute. Both the design and the Feasibility Study of the Project have been verified by the responsible Chinese authorities. The Consultant shall assist the assigned tendering Window Company in preparation and execution of the tender processes in order its compliance with KfW Procurement Guidelines. The construction supervision in accordance with Chinese laws, regulations and standards of supervision will be the task of the appointed Supervisor. The Consultant shall however coordinate with the Supervisor, report his/her findings during Project implementation and propose improvements to the PEA. The Consultant will support the PEA with regard to monitoring and reporting on the Project’s implementation to KfW, in order to assure the compliance with the agreements made between the PEA and KfW. Of special importance is the monitoring of and reporting on the compliance with all ESHS requirements and obligations of the PEA resulting from the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) developed for the Project. Furthermore, the Consultant shall assist the PEA in acceptance of deliveries, acceptance of completion of the construction works, negotiations with suppliers, project management and disbursements under the loan.

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