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Tender Notice China Nature and Species Protection, Resources Conservation

Consulting Services, Environment and Nature Protection/Ecological Construction

Tender Award

  • Country China
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number PN 3010 004 88
  • Subject Protection and Resource Recycling of Zhoujiaba Ecological Wetland in Luojiang District

Brief description of the Contract:

The German Government through KfW envisages providing a loan to the  Chinese Government for the financing of the improvement of the ecological environment of the Zhoujiaba Section of Kaijiang River, to enhance the wastewater treatment capacity of Luojiang District, and to increase environmental protection awareness and knowledge of local residents as well as for the consulting services, subject of this EOI.

Project measures:

The project consists in three components (more details in the invitation document):

A - Upgrading of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) for advanced wastewater treatment with a capacity of 20,000 m³/d

B - Zero Carbon Hub: Construction of a complex of buildings using energy-saving construction technologies, green building materials etc. including

C - Protection and renovation of the Zhoujiaba Ecological Wetland Park

Requested Consultant services:

Support of the PEA before, during and after the construction stage and monitoring of the implementation of the project through a multi-disciplinary and experienced team of international and national long- and short-term experts. The support to the PEA and the monitoring will also include the ESHS compliance, training and reporting.

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