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Tender Notice ECOWAS Environmental Friendliness

Consulting Services, Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

Tender Award

  • Country ECOWAS, Gambia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202167286/KfW508792
  • Subject Consulting Services for an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)


The West African Health Organisation (WAHO) is an independent body of the ECOWAS Commission mandated to coordinate and support the regions health strategies. This new project will include three components (1) strengthening the regional network of reference laboratories as continuation of the ongoing PROALAB project; (2) strengthening the fight and control of neglected tropical diseases; and (3) support to the Gambian health system.

The overall impacts of the Project on the environment and the socio-economic situation of the target groups will be positive and beneficial. However, individual interventions under the Project may have adverse environmental and social impacts.


Brief description of the Contract:

  • The Consultant to be recruited under this assignment shall establish an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), to ensure that potential negative environmental and social impacts are minimized, while striving to maximize benefits for the target groups and the environment.

    The ESMF will provide a comprehensive framework on how to address potential adverse social and environmental impacts for interventions under the Project and will comprise targeted mitigation and compensation measures as appropriate and in accordance with World Bank Environmental and Social Safeguard Standards.

    It is anticipated that the Assignment will be undertaken through the following tasks:

    •           Task 1: Familiarization with available documents and kick-off

    •           Task 2: Stakeholder Engagement and Grievance Mechanism

    •           Task 3: Development of the ESMF

    •           Task 4: Option for “the Gambia Component”

    •           Cross-Cutting-Task: Project Management and site visits in 3 countries.

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