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Tender Notice Georgia Environmental Technologies

Consulting Services, Accompanying Measures for Water/Sewerage Programme

Tender Award

  • Country Georgia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202168763/BMZ202170306/KfW508503
  • Subject Communal Water Infrastructure Batumi Phase V

Brief description of the Contract:

  • Upgrade of the WWTP Adlia
  • Reconstruction of the WTP Chakvi
  • Extension of the sewer system
  • Extension of the water supply system

Requested Consultant Services:
Self-governing City of Batumi is seeking to engage a qualified Consultant for support in Accompanying Measures:

  • Overall Stakeholder Coordination
  • Support of the PEA in the elaboration of staffing plans and job descriptions, trainings inprocurement rules and procedures, sensitisation of the PEA concerning ESHS requirements
  • Strengthening the role of the PEA in its own organisational structure
  • Support in management and administrative tasks, like updating of the business plan, actualisation and adapting the organisational structure, etc
  • Support in managerial and financial matters, particularly in the development of annual tariff plans
  • Support in operational and technical matters, elaboration of concepts for operation of new treatment plants, etc.
  • Other measures deemed necessary and yet to be defined 

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