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Tender Notice Georgia Environmental Technologies

Consulting Services, Construction of Communal Infrastructure (Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal)

Tender Award

  • Country Georgia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201468685/201768332/201770320/201970425/KfW504895
  • Subject Communal Infrastructure for Environment and Tourism

Brief description of the Contract:

The programme “Communal Infrastructure for Environment and Tourism” intends to support selected Georgian municipalities to rehabilitate / implement environmentally friendly communal infrastructure. The programme is based on a holistic approach that considers not only water and wastewater infrastructure but also includes other communal infrastructure elements such as energy efficient street lighting, stormwater management, urban land use planning and rehabilitation of communal roads etc). It aims to improve the communal service provision of the population in an environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, sustainable and efficient manner. In this way, the programme will contribute to enhanced environmental protection and water resource conservation and will have positive effects on the socio-economic situation (through the development of tourism) and on the health situation of the population and foster poverty reduction.

The services will be divided into two separate lots.

  • Lot-1 will cover Stepantsminda in the Mtskheta-Mtianeti Region, whilst
  • Lot-2 will cover the Imereti region (together with Accompanying Measures for both areas).

Interested companies may apply to prequalify for one or both lots. However, the two lots will not be awarded to the same firm or association of firms.

Requested services: 

  • Review of all available information including master-plans and studies, previously implemented and intended measures;  
  • Review of project objectives and indicators as per the existing feasibility studies and development of project objectives and indicators for implementation (Results Matrix Proposal /Log-frame). Assessment of how the project might contribute to the improvement of the population’s health (Health Impact Assessment) as well as their socioeconomic situation; outlining chances to enhance the environment and resource protection as well as employment and economic development and gender aspects compared to the current situation;
  • After the agreement on the final scope of the Project under the available funding: Undertaking all missing preparatory surveys and works, e.g. hydrogeological, geotechnical, geodetic, and other surveys and works, as required, as well as field and laboratory investigations, foundation investigations, materials survey/ testing, materials strength parameters and stability analysis which are required for the detailed design;
  • Preparation of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) to identify and assess potentially negative and positive environmental and social impacts of implementation of the Project. Preparation of an Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP);  
  • Inventory and gap analysis of implementation and operation capacities of stakeholders related to the implementation of the ESMMP, Occupational Health and Safety and labour conditions during construction, and resettlement modalities (in case any resettlement is required); 
  • Determination of the conceptual development of all phases followed by a detailed design for the agreed scope of Project  implementation;  
  • Preparation of tender documents (FIDIC standard), support of procurement of works by UWSCG; 
  • Construction supervision and support during the Defects Notification Period of the Project.

Additional scope for the Lot-2 Consultant:

The Consultant for Lot-2 shall - based on the findings of the existing Feasibility Study - prepare additional preliminary designs for infrastructure investment measures in the Imereti Region, especially for the cities of Vani and Baghdati.

The Lot-2 consultancy services will additionally include the following services for the Accompanying Measures in both the Lot-1 and Lot-2 project areas: In order to strengthen the institutional and personnel capacities, the management and staff of the UWSCG, together with selected staff of the beneficiary Municipalities will receive comprehensive technical assistance and institutional support. The accompanying measures comprise support and training in administrative, financial and technical issues as well as of awareness campaigns for the population and support to the further deployment of a block-chainbased TruBudget platform. Furthermore, the TA will include a technical assistance during the operation period of all project-relevant plants (WTPs and WWTPs).

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