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Tender Notice Georgia Urban Development, Rural Development

Consulting Services, Project Implementation & Accompanying Measures (Sustainable Urban Mobility Project)

Tender Award

  • Country Georgia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201970144/KfW508127
  • Subject Sustainable Urban Mobility Project

Brief description of the Contract:

The German Financial Cooperation is providing finance to the Government of Georgia for the Sustainable Urban Mobility Project (the “Project”) by way of a concessional loan disbursed by KfW Development Bank to the Tbilisi City Hall. The estimated total cost for the Project is approximately EUR 57,06 million. The Project is funded under the German Climate and Technology Initiative (DKTI). Accordingly, the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) is the main objective of the Project and, therefore, planning and designing to maximize GHG reductions, and a corresponding impact monitoring and reporting are integral tasks of the Services. The following measures shall be financed under the Project:

  1. Introduction/Expansion of an Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITS):
  2. Expansion of environmental-friendly transport modes (public transport, cycle- and pedestrian network) and design of "Green Urban Design and Mobility" corridors

The Consultant’s task is to support the Employer during Project preparation and implementation of the Project. This shall include, but not be limited to:

  1. Critical review of the pre-feasibility studies and update of proposed investment plan,
  2. Detailed planning and design of selected measures,
  3. Procurement (preparation and execution of the tender/award)
  4. Assistance to the Employer during project implementation including construction supervision
  5. Capacity building and training
  6. Facilitation of stakeholder/public engagement and participation; and
  7. Preparation and implementation of Accompanying Measures.

The Accompanying Measures (AM) are intended to ensure the sustainable operation of the new technical infrastructure, especially the ITS. The measures shall aim at improved personnel skills and the organizational adaptation of workflows and responsibilities.

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