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Tender Notice Ghana Photovoltaics

Implementation Consultant for Floating Solar Project


  • Country Ghana
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202268449/KfW510860
  • Subject Floating Solar Project

Requested services: 

The Floating Solar Project concerns the installation of a utility-scale floating solar photovoltaic power plant (FPV) at the Kpong Reservoir (Akuse) with an estimated total generation capacity of 30 MWp in the first phase. Through the involvement and financing of private investors, the plant is to be expanded to around 50 MWp in a second phase. German bilateral Financial Cooperation funds are earmarked for the first phase of this Project, which is being implemented by the German Development Bank (KfW). 

VRA has requested KfW to assist in the selection of a suitable Implementation Consultant (IC) who shall support the Project Executing Agency (PEA) in:

 (i) project management,

 (ii) tendering, 

(iii) construction supervision, 

(iv) commissioning, 

(v) operation and maintenance, 

(vi) ensuring compliance with national and international Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) requirements, 

(vii) promoting gender equality, 

(viii) developing financial models to stimulate private sector involvement, 

(ix) marketing and public relations activities, and 

(x) training of relevant stakeholders. 


The overall objective of this assignment is to ensure the successful and timely implementation of the Project in accordance with national and international good practices. 

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