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Tender Notice India Agriculture and Forestry

Consulting Services, Climate Change Adaptation in the Himalaya

Tender Award

  • Country India
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201567643/BMZ201567650/KfW504086
  • Subject Climate Change Adaptation Programme in the Himalaya, Component II: Tripura

Brief description of the Contract:

The project will address the impacts of climate change on livelihoods, ecosystem services and forest biodiversity in two Districts of Tripura state, India. Its overall objective is to promote the sustainable and participative management of forest landscapes to improve climate resilience.

The intended outcomes of the programme focus on development of landscape- and village-level plans, implementation of actions to improve the condition of forest and other natural resources, promoting community-based biodiversity conservation etc.

Requested consulting services:

Qualified consulting agencies (alone or in cooperation) with proven regional expertise are invited to submit applications. The consultants shall provide the following national and international expertise:

1. Forest, natural resource management and biodiversity

2. Landscape restoration

3. Planning of Climate change adaptation measures

4. Value-chain development

5. Participatory community-based natural resource management, land-use planning, livelihoods development

6. Micro-finance

7. Capacity building for community, civil society and local government

8. Project management including financial management and procurement

9.  Monitoring and evaluation

10. Data management

11. Remote sensing/GIS

12. ESMF

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