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Tender Notice India Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure

Consulting Services, Construction Supervision of Road Works

Tender Award

  • Country India
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201865286/KFW505957; RKI3&4/CSC1&2
  • Subject Climate-Resilient Reconstruction after Flooding in Kerala

Brief description of the Contract:

The heavy monsoons of 2018 and 2019 brought widespread flooding to several districts of Kerala damaging about 2,000 km of state highways and 13,000 km of major district roads across 14 districts. PWD is considering developing a more sustainable and climate resilient asset stock in the medium to long term. For that purpose, approximately 700 km of roads will be selected following the on-going finalization of the Detailed Project Reports. The “building back better” principles will be applied for the rehabilitation of these roads.

Requested Services:

  • Construction supervision of the road works. Scope: Reviewing and approving Contractors’ documentation, ensuring compliance to Engineering Designs and Drawings, Technical Specifications and other Contract Documents within the specified time schedule, performing contract administration, taking remedial actions to avoid cost overruns, delays by the Contractors, monitoring ESHS regulations and plans.

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