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Tender Notice India Waste Water Disposal, Drainage

Consulting Services, Storm Water Drainage Programme Chennai

Tender Award

  • Country India
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201468099/201770437/201870437
  • Subject Chennai Storm Water Drainage Programme (Kovalam Catchment Area)

Brief description of the Contract:

The project targets the improvement of the living conditions of the urban population of Chennai living in the Kovalam catchment area through improvement of storm water management and substantial reduction of flooding of low-lying areas.

Requested Consultant services:

  • Project management, detailed design, tender documents, procurement assistance, supervision and contract management of infrastructure and supply projects related to storm water management (open canals, underground systems, rain water harvesting infrastructure and associated infrastructure and equipment) and drainage of flood-prone or low-lying areas with tidal effects.

Design and implementation of associated Accompanying Measures for the overall Programme and strengthening the capacity of Project stakeholders for sustainable O&M of the stormwater system. Coordination of GCC with other actors relevant to the sustainability (among others O&M) of the stormwater system / flood risk management. Improvement of Chennai’s flood risk management. Sensitizing of the population to its responsibilities to avail of the drainage system’s livelihood and health benefits. Management and monitoring of ESHS-related measures

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