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Tender Notice Iraq Healthcare

Consulting Services for Project Implementation, Investments in Health Infrastructure

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country Iraq
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number KfW504511
  • Subject Technical Consultants support for Implementation of Investments in Health Infrastructure

This tender notice, published on 24/10/2019, has been CANCELLED !

Project Measures:

The aim of the GCFI is to assist the Republic of Iraq in its efforts to support the return of internally displaced persons (IDP) and by these means to contribute to the stabilization of the country. This shall be reached through investments and the swift reconstruction of degraded basic infrastructure in the territories liberated from the so-called “Islamic State” in the provinces of Al-Anbar, Diyala, Niniveh and Salah-al-Din, i.a. in the health sector.

To this end a detailed Feasibility Study (FS) has been undertaken for two general hospitals in liberated stable governorates with large numbers of returning IDP being the Haditha Hospital in Al Anbar Governorate and Al Dour Hospital in Salah Al Deen Governorate. At both hospital sites construction works had been halted but, as a result of the FS, works are now to be resumed and completed under the Project.

The Feasibility Study also included the assessment of the interdisciplinary Nursing Home Special Hospital (NHSH) Baghdad. The rehabilitation of the NHSH are now to be implemented under the Project.

Also, Mosul General Hospital in Mosul Governorate will be included in the Project, based on a feasibility study currently underway.

Through Project funding following main components shall be implemented:

Civil Works: Detailed assessment/review of architectural, structural, mechanical and electricaldesigns/drawings where applicable, Completion of the hospital constructions in Haditha and Al Dour

Equipment: Procurement and installation of medical and non-medical equipment incl. rendering technical user training

Telemedicine: Setting up of an HMIS

Others: Supervision of incidental services and cost warranty maintenance

Requested Consultant Services:

Services are to be provided by a consulting firm or consortium, offering a team of sector-and subject-related experienced international and national experts. The firm shall fulfil its tasks and services largely in the Iraq. The nominated team leader will be responsible for ensuring a well-planned, coordinated and effective internal and external interaction with all concerned participants in order to ensure a timely and successful elaboration of services. The team of international and local staff shall comprise expertise in Public health and hospital management, hospital planning and architecture incl. necessary engineering expertise of infrastructural supply technology, ESIA expertise, procurement of medical equipment, hospital business planning. Apart from technical qualifications, key staff should have adequate experiences in regional, social and other non-technical issues

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