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Tender Notice Iraq Developmental Cooperation

Consulting Services, Programme to promote Return of Internally Displaced Persons

Tender Award

  • Country Iraq
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number KfW505909
  • Subject Credit Facility to Assist the Return of IDPs” (GCFI) in Iraq (Programme) - III

Brief description of the Contract:

The Iraqi-German Credit Facility to Assist the Return of IDPs (“Programme”) „Programme“ seeks to facilitate the permanent return of Internally Displaced Persons to their respective home locations in Iraq. Stabilizing territories that have been liberated from territorial control are core objectives of Iraq’s strategy for reconstruction and sustainable peace-building. The number of internally displaced persons currently stands at 1.4 million people (IOM February 2020).

In line with the peace-building efforts by the Iraqi Government, activities implemented under the Programme take place in safe municipalities in liberated territories of the governorates of Diyala and Salah al-Din, Al-Anbar, Niniveh and Mosul to facilitate the permanent return of IDPs in the following sectors: energy (EUR 185.0 million), water/sanitation (EUR 45.0 million), transport (EUR 45.0 million), and health (EUR 185 million).

Objective of the Programme

The Objective of the Programme is to promote the return of internally displaced people to their places of origin in Iraq, which have been freed from terrorist control.

Requested Consulting Services:

As PEA of the GCFI, ReFAATO's responsibility lies in the coordination and control of all program stakeholders. This includes, above all, the establishment and management of the Programme structure, ensuring that the formal processes and approval steps are adhered to, including the cooperation and coordination between the relevant line ministries and the respective provinces, the coordination of monitoring and reporting, as well as the technical and organizational support of the steering committee. An external Management and Monitoring Consultant has supported the PEA from 01/2018 onwards to carry out its tasks.

Through the subject tender the PEA now seeks to select a qualified consulting firm to perform the support services from the beginning of 2021 to the end of 2023.

In addition to providing the ongoing management and monitoring tasks, a focus for the upcoming period will be on providing technical and sectoral support, particularly in the water supply and healthcare infrastructure sectors and also in the energy supply and transport infrastructure investment areas, however to a lesser extent, as these projects are already at an advanced implementation stage.

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