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Tender Notice Iraq Smart Grids

Supply Equipment for Al Kesek 132 kV GIS Substation

Tender Award

  • Country Iraq
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ301000223/KfW509557; 37581
  • Subject Rehabilitation of the Power Supply Systems in Governorates of Nineveh

Brief Description of the Contract:

  • Perform all work including, but not limited to, designing, fabricating, delivery of Material and  Equipment including but not limited to 132 kV GIS, HV cables, Protection, Metering, and Control Systems and Spare parts/Special tools. The Supplier shall be responsible for the detailed scope of work and detailed design of equipment involved to ensure proper functioning of these facilities. Supplier shall design, and manufacture all equipment based on the existing layouts, openings, and routing including all trenches, trays, and conduits in accordance with the already existing substation. Supplier shall submit a general arrangement drawing for the 132 kV GIS Switchgear with sections including the dimensions, clearances inside existing building of Al Kesek substation. (Phase 2, lot 5)

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