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Tender Notice Jordan Architecture, Engineering Services

Implementation Consultant for Project Implementation Support, Construction Supervision and Supervision of Operation (Waste Water Treatment)


  • Country Jordan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201969054/KfW508242; WAJ Tender No. 17/2024
  • Subject Improving Energy Efficiency through Electricity Generation from Biogas in Wastewater Treatment Plants, Component 1: WWTP South Amman
  • Project:

Recently, two Feasibility Studies investigated the “biogas potential” of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) across Jordan which mainly apply the extended aeration process. The studies recommended to upgrade the treatment processes of WWTPs South Amman and West Jerash to anaerobic sludge digestion and electricity generation by biogas. WAJ in this tender process is seeking to engage a qualified consultant to perform consulting services to support the implementation of the necessary modifications for the WWTP South Amman. 

Requested services: 

WWTP South Amman (upgrade and modifications of the treatment processes):

  • Review of existing design and tender documents and (if needed) adaptation of existing tender documents (DBO or FIDIC silver/yellow book)
  • Update of the ESIA as far as required
  • Assistance during Tendering
  • Supervision of Construction Works, Services during Defects Notification Period (DNP)
  • Supervision of operation

Discharge and reuse of WWTP South Amman’s effluent and industrial wastewater:

  • Preparatory techno-economic study to identify an environmentally friendly solution for the discharge and reuse of the effluent and for industrial wastewater
  • Design of the proposed systems
  • Elaboration of tender documents
  • Assistance during tendering
  • Supervision of construction Works, Services during Defects Notification Period (DNP)


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